
Showing posts from January, 2024

GIT Knowledge Area

  1. What is the command to check the git version? git --version 2. what is the command to create a new git repository? git init 3. What is the command used to check the changed files in our local branch ? git status 4. What do staged files mean? Files that are ready to commit 5. What is the command to add a modified file into git? git add <filename>.extension 6. What is the command to add all the changed files into git? git add . git add --all 7. What does commit mean? Adding changes to the local branch 8. What is the command to add commits? git commit -m "commit message" 9. what does git status --short say? It is used to check the status in our repository in a compact way 10. What do??, M, D, A refer in git status --short command? ?? - untracked files M -  modified files D - deleted files A - Files added to stage 11. How to check the history of the commits? git log 12. How to get a detailed description of what each command does? git <command> -help git help --a...